In honor of Independence Day, Judy Hayward and Carroll W. Westfall have recent articles featured in July's Traditional Building's Blogs.
Judy Hayward writes on
The Contributions of Asher Benjamin
Architect, Author, Teacher, Master Builder and Patriot
In celebration of the founding of the congregation of Old South Church in Windsor, VT, 250 years ago, I was asked to give a talk about Asher Benjamin (1773-1845), the architect and master builder of its second meeting house, built in 1798. Benjamin is well-known to the readers of Traditional Building. His seven architectural pattern books were published in over 40 editions and guided many builders and architects in the design and construction of architectural elements in the classical vocabularies of Federal and Greek revival buildings.
Read her full post .
Carroll W. Westfall writes on The Ground under our Feet
The early colonists saw wilderness when they landed in 1607 on the James River. James I’s charter looked for the “speedy accomplishemente of … plantacion and habitacion … digg, mine and searche for all manner of mines of goulde, silver and copper,” and bring the existing inhabitants “the true knoweledge and worshippe of God and … to a setled and quiet govermente.” The digging proved fruitless, but not tobacco cultivation.
Read his full post .
Read the entire issue of Building Blocks .