
2019 Application for Conference Programs / Room Request

Aug 31, 2018 by av福利社 News

Providence  Fall 2016The Society of Architectural Historians is accepting proposals for roundtable discussions, meetings, or informational presentations for the av福利社 2019 Annual International Conference to be held in Providence, RI, April 24–28.

A limited number of slots will be available for the midday break and during the hours of the daily conference proceedings. The roundtables, meetings and presentations are meant to supplement the regular conference programming and should differ from the paper sessions in both topic and organization, with a format that provides an opportunity for active, in-depth discussion and interaction.

If you plan to hold a meeting, roundtable or presentation, you must apply to be considered. This includes those organizing programs that have been traditionally held at the conference.

Please complete the Application for Conference Programs Room Request form and submit it to Christopher Kirbabas at ckirbabas@sah.org.

The deadline to submit a proposal is September 14, 2018.

All proposals will be reviewed by the Conference Chair, with confirmations sent out after October 1, 2018. If you have any questions or are in need of additional information, please contact Christopher Kirbabas at 312-573-1365 or by email at ckirbabas@sah.org.