On June 1st av福利社 launched the Future of the Past Campaign to raise $40,000 by August 31st to complete the second half of an $80,000 matching grant offer from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). I am delighted to report that in this three-month period, through your generosity we raised $62,696, exceeding our goal, and enabling av福利社 to receive the full $80,000 matching grant from NEH to support av福利社 Archipedia.
The $80,000 raised in donations will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the NEH in 2019, resulting in $160,000 as part of NEH’s most recent grant to av福利社 to further expand and update av福利社 Archipedia content with peer-reviewed building histories, essays, and lesson plans. In addition, the funding will support optimizing av福利社 Archipedia for viewing on mobile devices and, partially supports our ultimate goal of making av福利社 Archipedia open access and freely available to everyone with an interest in American architecture.
The funds raised above $80,000 will be used as revenue that av福利社 must raise beyond the match to cover the project’s entire three-year budget of $320,641. With the $160,000 raised in the match, an outright NEH grant of $125,000, and other resources, we have almost completed the budget for this major step in expanding the capacity of av福利社 Archipedia.
We could not have accomplished this without the generous support the 200 plus individuals, foundations, and organizations listed below who contributed to the match.
The av福利社 board of directors and staff extend our heartfelt thanks to each of you for helping us achieve this success. We also recognize important milestone gifts for the match from the Americana Foundation, the Philadelphia and Southeast Chapters of av福利社, Diane and John Kane, and Maya Manny in memory of her late husband Carter H. Manny, the former director of the Graham Foundation and supporter of the Buildings of the United States project, the foundation of av福利社 Archipedia.
Thank you all for your generosity.
Pauline Saliga
Executive Director, av福利社
Daniel Abramson
Thomas E. Agnew
Adeyemi Akande
Tania Alam
Annice M. Alt
Louise Ambler
Americana Foundation
Susan K. Appel
Adam Archual
Orhan Ayyuce
Shiben Banerji
Tom Bartuska
Lynda Bell
Anne H. Bird
Leo Black
Julie Boland
Patricia Boland
Catherine C. Boland Erkkila
Alice M. Bowsher
Kenneth A. Breisch
Aileen Brown
Wanda Bubriski
Lauren Bull
Anthony F. Caldwell
Deb Carey
Donald Cecich
Zeynep Celik
Sally Kitt Chappell
Lily H. Chi
Jeffrey M. Chusid
Amanda R. Clark
Joseph Connors
Robert M. Craig
John D. Cramer
Margaret Culbertson
Kathleen R. Cummings
James Dart
J. Horner Davis
Helena Dean
Judith Dean
Katie Dean
Dan Deibler
Madhuri Desai
Edward Dimendberg
Sheila Donahue
Steven Dotterrer
Deborah Doyle
Kathryn B. Eckert
Keith Eggener
Beth C. Eifrig
Nnamdi Elleh
Diane Favro
Gail Fenske
Frances Fergusson
Peter Fergusson
George F. Flaherty
Carolyn Garrett
Leigh Gates
James Gearen
Margaret George
Virginia Gerst
Michael J. Gibson
R. Scott Gill
Gill Family Foundation
Lesley M. Gilmore
Diana Goldstein
Makary Górzy艅ski
Nadia Gronkowski
John Gronkowski
James Grove
J. Philip Gruen
Marta R. Gutman
Steven Hampton
Margaret Hand
Gunny Harboe
Dianne S. Harris
Linda Hart
Diana M. Hawes
Steven D. Hearst
Marlene Heck
Nina Botting Herbst
Jane Hession
James Heuer
Mark Hinchman
Corinne Hoge
Inge S. Horton
Mark Hulbert
Ann C. Huppert
Heather Hyde Minor
Sandy Isenstadt
Kathleen James-Chakraborty
Virginia Jansen
James E. Jewell
Dane Johnson
Diane and John Kane
Karen Kingsley
Jeffrey E. Klee
Francis R. Kowsky
William Kriebel and Marjorie Kriebel
Henry H. Kuehn
Marie A. L'Heureax
Diane Laffin
Delin Lai
Donald E. Larsen
Aric Lasher
Matthew G. Lasner
Peter L. Laurence
Elizabeth Leach
Aris D. Lindemans
Joan Barclay Lloyd
Jill M. Lord
Linda Lyons
Janice E. Mann
Maya Manny
Mariette Marino
Anne L. Marshall
Steve C. Martens
Peter Flagg Maxson
Kimberly McCarron
Joanna C. McKnight
Thomas Melchior
Robert Michaelson
Eileen M. Michels
Lindsay M. Miller
Gerald L. Moorhead
Keith N. Morgan
Patricia A. Morton
Prescott Muir
Luigi H. Mumford
Moira Nadal
Julie Nicoletta
John K. Notz, Jr.
Jennifer K. Olivarez
Kathryn E. O'Rourke
Ken T. Oshima
Vittoria Di Palma
Edward J. Pass
Susan Perry
Philadelphia Chapter av福利社
Dianne Pierce
Katie Pierce Meyer
Elisabeth W. Potter
Virginia B. Price
Kathleen Randall
D. Nels Reese
Robert B. Rettig
Inderbir Riar
Richard and Alita Rogers Family Foundation
Barbara Robinson
Rebecca M. Rogers
Leland M. Roth
Avigail Sachs
Pauline A. Saliga
Mario L. Sanchez
H. Keith Sawyers
David Schalliol
Benjamin Segedin
Arijit Sen
Nicholas Serrano
Richard J. Sicha
Mary C. Sies
Jonathan D. Snyder
Katherine Solomonson
Lydia M. Soo
Southeast Chapter av福利社
Jacqueline Spafford
Elizabeth Spelman
Stefania Staniscia
Steve Stec
R.R.S. Stewart
David B. Stewart
Damie and Diane Stillman
Lois Stratemeier
Martin Tangora
Sandra l. Tatman
Dustin Tiemeyer
Jennifer L. Trotoux
Alice Y. Tseng
Gretchen Umholtz
Dell Upton
Annemarie van Roessel
Abigail A. Van Slyck
Camille Wells
Carol A. Willis
Danielle S. Willkens
Edward Wolner
Ian Woodcock
Mary Woolever
Carson Wos
Konrad Wos
Carla Yanni
Victoria M. Young
Frank Zwart |