25- & 50-Year Members 2019
May 8, 2019
av福利社 News
The following individuals have reached a membership milestone in 2019 by maintaining membership in the Society of Architectural Historians for 25 and 50 years. We recognize these members for their longtime dedication to av福利社 and continued support.
50-Year Members
Richard Cheek
Betsy Cheek
Amy E. Cohn
Ed Polk Douglas
William H. Greer, Jr.
Francis R. Kowsky
William B. Rhoads
Myra N. Rosenfeld
Morrell M. Shoemaker
25-Year Members
Beatriz Colomina
Sehila Donahue
Johnathan A. Farris
Melanie M. Fathman
Dorothy M. Habel
Marianne Hurley
Sandy Isenstadt
Gregor Kalas
Jeanne Kisacky
Jeffrey E. Klee
Anne L. Marshall
Robin D. Middleton
Joan Ockman
Linda O. Stanford
Katherine J. Wheeler
Michael S. Young
Victoria M. Young
Brian C. Zugay