In honor of the 243rd birthday of the United States on July 4, the Society of Architectural Historians and University of Virginia Press proudly make a gift to the Nation: the beta version of a newly designed, mobile-friendly, open-access edition of .
We invite you to explore the rich history of more than 20,000 North American buildings, landscapes, and cultural landmarks. av福利社 Archipedia’s diversity of sites, new interpretations, and peer-reviewed scholarship make it a valuable online public resource for learning about more than 2,000 years of development in this part of the world.
Building and site entries range from the 2007 skyscraper in downtown Chicago to the from 200 BCE in the state of Washington.
New include Willa Granger’s research on Native American and Catherine Zipf’s article on in Gilded Age Newport, Rhode Island.
New research documents the where Texans held celebrations in rural 19th-century towns, and places where Americans fought for civil rights, such as in Arkansas.
av福利社 Archipedia, first launched in 2012, is an award-winning encyclopedia of U.S. architecture and landscapes that has been under development for 10 years. Funded largely by three grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities with matching support from hundreds of individuals and foundations, av福利社 Archipedia is truly a new form of collaborative digital publication.
We applaud and thank the hundreds of authors, editors, photographers, cartographers, designers, and software programmers who created both the 25
Buildings of the United States print books, and a new platform displaying thousands of born-digital essays and building entries so that every state in the U.S. would be included in this new, open-access resource. Please enjoy and share.