Each month, the Society of Architectural Historians shares news submitted by
av福利社 chapters and partner organizations on their new and exciting programs, opportunities, awards, and events.
Society of Historians of Eastern European, Eurasian, and Russian Art and Architecture (SHERA)
The Board of the is pleased to announce the , CA, Dr. Yulia Karpova (Budapest). Her paper, "Late Soviet studio ceramics as a site of institutional critique" will be presented during the SHERA-sponsored panel “Culture as Matter” and will demonstrate how a seemingly trivial utilitarian material, ceramics, provided the basis for thriving intellectual dialogues and the critique of the state-sponsored consumer culture that developed in the Brezhnev era. Taking Sara Ahmed’s notion of objects that orient people towards different possibilities and social positions, the study will explore the interdependency between late socialist material infrastructure, state cultural policies and ceramic artists’ critical voices.
The call for papers is now open for the SHERA-sponsored session , at , Hilton Chicago, February 12–15, 2020: , Deadline: July 23, 2019, session chairs Yelena Kalinsky (Michigan State) and Adrian Barr (Winona State), yelena.kalinsky@gmail.com, ABarr@winona.edu.
Please note that you should be a member of both CAA and SHERA in order to participate. Instructions and guidelines for participation are available .