
Chapter & Partner News for August 2019

Aug 12, 2019 by av福利社 News
Each month, the Society of Architectural Historians shares news submitted by av福利社 chapters and partner organizations on their new and exciting programs, opportunities, awards, and events.

Marion Dean Ross / Pacific Northwest Chapter

Hello from your new Chapter President, Amanda C. Roth Clark

I am thrilled to be the Chapter President for the Marion Dean Ross Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians.  I knew Marion when I was a child and grew up surrounded by the congenial members of this unique group. The av福利社/MDR has its own special charm, a character I hope to preserve and celebrate, taking the presidential reigns from Diana Painter after her dedicated leadership for more than a decade. 

In addition to continuing the legacy of this organization, I seek to further bolster our mission, as stated in our bylaws, to further the objectives of the av福利社, hold meetings, and increase awareness and knowledge of our architectural heritage. As an educator, I have a particular passion for increasing our student membership and furthering their engagement with our regional chapter – they are the future of preserving our architectural past.

As your president I embrace my stated responsibilities of liaising with our parent av福利社 organization and preparing our annual meetings within my time of service. I am particularly enthusiastic about working with our current leadership slate in the av福利社/MDR, and anticipate the exciting years ahead of us. Plans regarding our chapter’s intersection with the 2020 av福利社 national meeting in Seattle are actively underway—stay tuned for more details regarding that in the weeks and months to come.

Feel free to reach out to me anytime, as I care deeply about you, our members.

-Amanda C. Roth Clark, amandaclark@whitworth.edu

Southeast Chapter

Registration is now open for the 2019 SEav福利社 Conference to be hold from October 9-12 at Greenville, South Carolina. Co-hosted by the Clemson University School of Architecture, conference registration includes a plenary session, paper sessions, keynote address and reception, catered business lunch and awards ceremony, and a copy of the paper abstracts. The conference will feature eight paper sessions with some 90 presenters from the U.K., China, and throughout the U.S. We are also offering two Saturday Study Tours of Greenville and the surrounding area. The conference keynote address will be presented by Dr. Sarah Williams Goldhagen, a nationally noted author, editor, lecturer, and architecture critic.

Visit for all the details, including the full schedule of papers and presenters, online registration forms, and information on the hotel discount rate. Registration fees range from $125-200 with tours ranging from $40-70. All rates increase by $25 after September 9.  

In addition, visit for a Q&A blog with Nicholas Serrano, recipient of the 2019 SEav福利社 Fellowship for attending the 2019 av福利社 Conference in Providence, Rhode Island. Nicholas is an assistant professor at the LSU College of Art + Design where he teaches landscape architecture.  

Finally, SEav福利社 is seeking book reviewers for our annual journal ARRIS. Please contact book review editor Dr. Vandana Baweja at the University of Florida at vbaweja@ufl.edu for more information. Learn more about ARRIS at .