Each month, the Society of Architectural Historians shares news submitted by av福利社 chapters and partner organizations on their new and exciting programs, opportunities, awards, and events.
Society of Historians of Eastern European, Eurasian, and Russian Art and Architecture
helps defray travel costs for two graduate students or independent scholars annually presenting papers at either the CAA Annual Conference or the ASEEES Annual Convention. The grant was first awarded in 2017 and thanks to a generous donation from an anonymous donor, will continue to be awarded through 2021.
The next SHERA Graduate Student / Independent Scholar Travel Grant of up to $1,000 for local travel and up to $1,500 for international travel will be awarded to one member presenting a paper at the CAA Annual Convention being held in Chicago from February 12-15, 2020.
1. All applicants must be a student working at either the master's or doctoral level with a thesis or dissertation topic related to Eastern European, Eurasian and/or Russian art and/or Architecture, OR an independent scholar presenting in those areas who has been awarded the Ph.D. within the previous five years. For the CAA 2020 grant, applications are limited to those who have received the Ph.D. no earlier than 2015.
2. The applicant must be a speaker at the CAA Annual Conference in 2020. Chairs, discussants, or any participant NOT giving a paper are ineligible.
3. Applicants must be members of SHERA at the time of application.
4. Applicants must live outside the conference city.
5. Applicants cannot have been a recipient of this grant in the past.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: October 1, 2019, with notification October 15, 2019.
All application materials must be submitted in one .pdf file to shera.grants@gmail.com.