
av福利社 Members speaking at Duke Symposium: Centering Art History & Visual Culture in the Digital Humanities

Sep 11, 2019 by av福利社 News

Several av福利社 Members are participating at a symposium celebrating 10 years of the Wired! Lab at Duke University.  The symposium will be held  October 17-18, 2019 at Duke University, and is free and open to the public.  av福利社 Members are:
Patricia Morton, Burcak Ozludil, Lisa Snyder, and Stephen Whiteman.  The Symposium is sponsored by the Department of Art, Art History & Visual Studies and the Wired! Lab for Digital Art History & Visual Culture at Duke University.  

Over the past decade, the use of digital methods has exploded in the study of art history and visual culture. As with other areas of the digital humanities, art historians and visual culture scholars have used a very wide range of approaches. Still, increasingly, one of the core areas that art history and visual culture have particular focused on is the analysis of spatial problems through computational methods and digital visualization. This conference brings to the fore core contributions of art historians and visual culture scholars to the spatial digital humanities. Looking at objects and environments at a wide variety of scales, panelists will ask: What spatial and temporal cultural problems can be addressed with digital methods? Conversely, speakers will address how the art and visual culture extend and complicate developments within the digital humanities.

This conference is held in conjunction with the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Wired! Lab for Digital Art History & Visual Culture at Duke University. The Wired! Lab is itself a center of major research involving the study of objects, buildings, and urban environments at a variety of different scales and with diverse computational methods. Duke is pleased to host this dialogue on how spatial problems in art history and visual culture contribute to important developments within the digital humanities.

Program of sessions and speakers:

October 17, 2019
Keynote: "Digital Architectural and Art History: A View from the Field"
Patricia Morton, University of California, Riverside - av福利社 Member

October 18, 2019
I. Morning Session: Spatial Problems Across Time
"No One of Us Is Them: Diverse Proxy Phenomenology in Pompeiii
David Fredrick, University of Arkansas non-member

"Experiencing Temporalities: Space and Pace in Late Ottoman Istanbul
Burcak Ozludil, New Jersey Institute of Technology,  av福利社 Member, and Augustus Wendell, Duke University  Member

"The Rules of Engagement: Thoughts about prolonged user interaction with virtual environments with a focus on UCLA’s reconstruction model of the World’s Columbian Exposition (Chicago, 1893)"
Lisa Snyder, University of California, Los Angeles - av福利社 Member

II. Afternoon Session: Digital Methods in the Early Modern Moment
Mapping Social Context: The DECIMA as a Platform for Spatial Art History"
Colin Rose, Brock University 

"The Mind of Michelangelo on Paper"
Mauro Mussolin, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, and Leonardo Pili, Graphic Designer 

"Visualizing Lost Landscapes: Sources, Stratigraphy, and Close Reading in Mapping Qing Imperial Parks
Stephen Whiteman, Courtauld Institute of Art - av福利社 Member

III. Roundtable: Past and Futures of the Spatial Humanities for Art History and Visual Wired! Lab Faculty and Staff

This symposium received generous support from the Duke University John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute; Duke Research Computing; Nasher Museum of Art; Trinity College Office of the Dean, Humanities Division; Office of the Provost.