
av福利社 Announces Establishment of Affiliate Groups

Dec 10, 2019 by av福利社 News

The Society of Architectural Historians is excited to announce the creation of av福利社 Affiliate Groups, a new type of special interest body comprised of av福利社 members who share a common, narrowly defined interest, scholarly or otherwise. Members of av福利社 Affiliate Groups will meet in person or remotely to pursue their common interest and may request space at the av福利社 Annual International Conference to hold a meeting or roundtable to discuss current issues that may be of interest to the larger av福利社 membership. The av福利社 Affiliate Groups will have a presence on the av福利社 website, and more information on how to get involved will be available soon. 

At its meeting on November 8, 2019, the av福利社 Board approved the establishment of four inaugural av福利社 Affiliate Groups, listed below. 

av福利社 Asian American Diasporic Architectural History Affiliate Group
The mission of the group is to build a sustainable intellectual community that supports ongoing research, teaching, and action projects in the interdisciplinary field of Asian American and Asian Diasporic Architectural History. Three av福利社 members proposed formation of the group, including Lynne Horiuchi, Independent Scholar; Sean H. McPherson, Bridgewater State University; and Arijit Sen, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. They were joined by 11 av福利社 members who supported establishment of the group.

av福利社 Historic Interiors Affiliate Group
The mission of the group is to gather people together to foster scholarly inquiry on the history of the interior within and beyond the av福利社, supporting teachers, researchers, archivists, librarians, publisher and practitioners. Three av福利社 members proposed founding this group, including Mark Hinchman, The University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Paula Lupkin, The University of North Texas; and Anca I. Lasc, Pratt Institute. They have identified more than 70 individuals who will be included in initial communications about the group.

Photo taken at the Minority Scholars Meet and Greet (av福利社 2018 Saint Paul conference), during which the proposal for a related affiliate group was discussed. L-R: Jesús Escobar, Northwestern University; Lynne Horiuchi, Independent Scholar; Itohan Osayimwese, Brown University, Ken Tadashi Oshima, University of Washington, and Charles Davis II, University at Buffalo

av福利社 Minority Scholars Affiliate Group
The mission of the group is to keep the Society of Architectural Historians engaged with issues affecting minority scholars in the profession, support the professional development of minority scholars, and provide a forum for minority scholars and allies to network. Four av福利社 members proposed creation of this group, including Itohan Osayimwese, Brown University; Jesús Escobar, Northwestern University; Lynne Horiuchi, Independent Scholar; and Charles Davis II, University of Buffalo.  They were joined by 34 av福利社 members who supported establishment of the group.

av福利社 Race and Architectural History Affiliate Group
The mission of the group is to promote the interdisciplinary study of race in architectural history through the organization of thematic roundtables, publication and teaching workshops, lectures and other such scholarly activities authorized by its membership. Four av福利社 members proposed formation of this group including Itohan Osayimwese, Brown University; Jesús Escobar, Northwestern University; Lynne Horiuchi, Independent Scholar; and Charles Davis II, University of Buffalo. They were joined by 31 av福利社 members who supported establishment of the group.

av福利社 is currently working out mechanisms for joining each of these groups and other governance guidelines.

If you are interested in proposing an av福利社 Affiliate Group, please submit a written request signed by at least three current av福利社 members to av福利社 President Sandy Isenstadt at sandy.isenstadt@gmail.com and av福利社 Executive Director Pauline Saliga at psaliga@sah.org. The deadline to submit a proposal is March 1, 2020. Proposals will be brought to the April 2020 av福利社 Board meeting for discussion.