
ASCA 2020 Architectural Education Award Winners include av福利社 Members

Feb 10, 2020 by av福利社 News
The Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) announces the recipients of the 2020 Architectural Education Awards which honors architectural educators for exemplary work in areas such as building design, community collaborations, scholarship, and service. The award-winning professors inspire and challenge students, contribute to the profession’s knowledge base, and extend their work beyond the borders of academia into practice and the public sector. 

av福利社 members Gail Dubrow (University of Minnesota) and Vikramaditya Prakash (University of Washington) were both awarded as Distinguished Professors.  These awards recognize individuals that have had a positive, stimulating, and nurturing influence upon students over an extended period of time and/or teaching which inspired a generation of students who themselves have contributed to the advancement of architecture.

av福利社 member Amy Murphy (University of Southern California) received a Diversity Achivement Award which recognizes the work of faculty, administrators, or students in creating effective methods and models to achieve greater diversity in curricula, school personnel, and student bodies, specifically to incorporate the participation and contributions of historically underrepresented groups or contexts.  Murphy's award, co-won with Lauren Matchison was for The Work: USC Architecture’s Diversity and Inclusion Plan.

Gail Dubrow joined av福利社 in 2017, received the Downing Book Award in 2004, and is currently serving both on the Board and as chair of the Downing Book Award Committee.

Vikramaditya Prakash joined av福利社 in 2015. He will serve as a Session Chair at the 73rd Annual International Conference in Seattle, WA. 

Amy Murphy joined av福利社 in 2016 and served as a speaker at the 2018 Annual International Conference in St. Paul, MN.  

To see the full list of awardees, including brief biographies, click .