av福利社 Colloquium 2020: Hot Topics Unconference
Friday, May 1
3:00–5:10 p.m.
Room: South/West Room, 3rd Floor
Submission Deadline: March 1, 2020
Facilitator: Itohan Osayimwese, Brown University
av福利社 hosts an opportunity for the 2020 Annual International Conference in Seattle: an unconference session in which scholars at all levels can identify and discuss current and emerging questions in the study of the built environment. We seek to collectively gauge how av福利社 members are meeting current challenges to our field and to constructed environments and society more generally. We also seek to explore new avenues for architectural history in light of rapid change throughout the worlds of research and scholarship as well as the context in which research, scholarship, and pedagogy currently sit.
The session will take the format of an unconference. An unconference is a fluid event consisting of dialogue on topics generated by participants through the process of group interaction. The goal of an unconference is to enable meaningful and productive conversation outside the conventional framework of paper presentations.
Please propose a topic or question that you believe would inspire interesting group conversation. By proposing, you are committing to attending the session and introducing this topic or question in the form of a 5-minute lightning presentation. After the deadline, the topics will be grouped and the most frequent 2–3 themes selected and announced.
To take part in this initiative, please propose a topic on this Google Sheet [link removed at deadline] by March 1, 2020, 11:59 p.m. EST. Final themes will be announced on March 4, 2020. Once the final themes have been selected, you will be asked to submit your CV to Christopher Kirbabas (CKirbabas@sah.org), and to prepare your lightning presentation (presentations may include one (1) image).
Victoria Young
av福利社 1st Vice President and General Chair of Seattle Conference
University of St. Thomas