
Places Journal: Field Notes on Pandemic Teaching features many av福利社 Members

May 14, 2020 by av福利社 News
Places Journal has published a series of six articles about the move to online teaching.  Many av福利社 members have contributed their expertise to these articles. 

The massive move to online teaching has raised acute challenges and general anxieties. Some are practical and technical; others are more conceptual, political, and even philosophical, involving the importance of campus community, the role of schools in providing for the well being of students, and passionate convictions about the nature of learning and the transmission of knowledge. How will the current adaptations inflect our understandings of studio and seminar instruction, in which the tools might be digital but the teaching is individualized and immersive, grounded in time and place, rooted in embodied encounters that allow for serendipitous discovery?

For this narrative survey, educators from around the world share their perspectives.

Among those who have shared their thoughts and expertise are av福利社 members: Barbara Penner, Sandy Isenstadt, Patricia Morton, Jonathan Massey, Hugh Campbell, Charles Davis, Annmarie Adams, Keith Eggener, Marc Neveu, Aaron Cayer and Huda Tayob.  

Find Places Journal and all six articles .