Jun 4, 2020
Charles Davis, Maura Lucking, Sean McPherson, Lynne Horiuchi, Itohan Osayimwese, and Gail Dubrow
Please note: This statement has been lightly copyedited for publication in the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (Jav福利社). The content of the original statement, published on June 4, 2020, has not been altered. (updated August 26, 2020)
The wrongful murder of George Floyd by the Minneapolis police has proven a tipping point in the attitudes and actions of many Americans. Protesters around the country have taken to the streets, during an unprecedented pandemic, to demonstrate their commitment to securing for black Americans the basic rights and protections that every person should have. We share in their hurt and anger.
It was nearly seven years ago that Dianne Harris penned a poignant essay for the Society of Architectural Historians titled “Race, Space, and Trayvon Martin.”1 In this essay, Harris describes the way that the structures and ideologies of anti-black racism were made material in the tragic death of Trayvon Martin—how histories of spatial segregation and gated communities came to a head in what was described as a case of a young black man literally “out of place." Her conclusion that race and space are inextricably linked in deadly ways for many minorities should not come as any surprise to us today. These insights during the (now retrospectively) optimistic Obama years seemed to hold the promise of better things to come. Yet instead of witnessing a decline in violence against black Americans, we find ourselves facing more and more tragedy, sometimes on a daily basis, as cell phone footage and investigative journalism reveal the routine character of anti-black racism in the United States.
From the signs of young black children reading “Stop Killing Us” held by young Black children in Tampa to the human barricade willing to stand between black protesters and police officers in Louisville, we can find examples of people deciding to take action to ensure that our nation lives up to its promises of life and liberty.2 These individuals are joined by hundreds of other Americans—people of every age, color, and economic background—who support their efforts but feel powerless, afraid, or unsure about how to contribute. ‘What is it that I can do to help?’ ‘What can I possibly do that will make a difference?’
If our peers can take to the streets and risk their health and lives for a political principle, even as the White House threatens to respond to such lawful protests with military force, then we must at least summon the courage to publicly acknowledge the importance of their sacrifice. Their work is essential to maintaining a healthy democracy and we stand in solidarity with their efforts.
In addition to the positive change that we can contribute as private individuals, as members of the Society of Architectural Historians we can also work together as academics, designers, historians, and practitioners to listen closely to, support and amplify the work of black communities and black scholars; to ask serious questions of ourselves and our discipline before moving forward; and, when possible, to raise the consciousness of those around us who still doubt that we truly have problems with police violence and racism in America. In a moment when the policing of our streets and public spaces veers dangerously close to martial law, when the destruction of private property is termed a form of ‘violence,’ when the buildings and memorials of capitalism and white supremacy topple and burn, how could architecture not be implicated?3 To quote a Minneapolis business owner: “We can rebuild a building, but we cannot rebuild a human.”4
We owe it to each other to reflect on the intergenerational trauma, loss and violence that continue to be caused by racism in this country and to consider what roles we can play in their amelioration. As Dianne Harris states in her 2013 essay, “We owe it to our students and their peers to bring these issues of racial justice into the core of design education.”7 As faculty and administrators, we must find substantive ways to engage these issues in the courses we design for the upcoming semester and beyond—and to support our students in their own anti-racist work in and out of the classroom. We also have a professional obligation as scholars of the built environment to educate the public on the historical patterns of anti-black racism that make today’s protests a predictable feature of our contentious times.
The collective leadership of three of av福利社’s recently established affiliate groups—Asian American & Diasporic Architectural History, Minority Scholars, and Race and Architectural History—have dedicated themselves to promoting research and scholarly activities that uncover the historical causes of racism in our professions and in the built environment more broadly. We encourage every member of av福利社 reading this message not to treat this as a time to continue with business as usual. The pandemic is not an opportune time to get lots of regular work done, nor is it a time to hide away from the world as parts of our country burn. Rather, now is the time to promote collective action—to share our resources, expertise, and energy to affirm, yet again, that BLACK LIVES MATTER. We welcome all active members of av福利社 to join any of the affiliate groups mentioned above to contribute to our efforts, as well as to promote positive actions in our local communities. av福利社’s scholarly mission can and must be to engage with the world within and beyond the academy to make racial justice possible.
Charles Davis – Assistant Professor of Architectural History, SUNY Buffalo and Chair of av福利社 Race and Architectural History Affiliate Group
Maura Lucking – PhD Candidate in Architecture, UCLA and Associate Chair of av福利社 Race and Architectural History Affiliate Group
Sean McPherson – Associate Professor of Art History, Bridgewater State University and Chair of av福利社 Asian American & Diasporic Architectural History Affiliate Group
Lynne Horiuchi – Independent Scholar and Co-Chair of av福利社 Minority Scholars Affiliate Group
Itohan Osayimwese – Associate Professor, History of Art & Architecture, Brown University, Co-Chair of av福利社 Minority Scholars Affiliate Group
Gail Dubrow – Professor of Architecture and History, University of Minnesota
2 “America’s Protests Won’t Stop Until Police Brutality Does,” The New York Times (June 1, 2020)
3 Dan Zak, Monica Hesse, Ben Terries, Maura Judkis and Travis M. Andrews,“,” The Washington Post (June 2, 2020). Ian Shapira, “,” The Washington Post (June 3, 2020). Nathan J. Robinson, Current Affairs (June 1, 2020). Rebecca Solnit, The Guardian (June 1, 2020). Sharon McNary, LAist (May 31, 2020). Dakota Smith, Stetve Saldivar Los Angeles Times (May 31, 2020). Lynda Robinson, The Washington Post (May 31, 2020). Paul Blest, Vice (June 1, 2020).
4 Quoted in Amelia Nierenberg, The New York Times (May 29, 2020).
5 Harris, “Race, Space, and Trayvon Martin”