
Resources for Learning and Teaching about Race and the Built Environment

Jun 10, 2020 by av福利社 News

This list is under development and will continue to be updated. Please email Helena Dean with suggested additions.

Syllabi, Reading Lists and Teaching Resources

Race, Space & Architecture

Space/Race Reading List

Anti-racism Design Resources

Resources for reading and viewing on race and architecture, compiled by Mario Gooden, with Mabel O. Wilson and the Architectural League staff

Aggregate Collaborative Black Lives Matter project

Race, Space and Architecture: Towards an Open-Access Curriculum

Talking about Race, by the National Museum of African American History & Culture

Reading Towards Abolition: A Reading List on Policing, Rebellion, and the Criminalization of Blackness

Smarthistory’s Oppression and resistance
the long history of African-American struggle — through art and artifacts

Institutionalized Racism: A Syllabus  

Find resources that support discussions of difficult topics in this curated Collection: Teaching about Race, Place, and Social Justice. Free membership for educators, scholars, parents, and the public.

av福利社 Archipedia Teaching Resources - Mississippi Civil Rights Sites lesson plans

av福利社 Archipedia Thematic Essay – Black Travelers On and Off the Road by Jennifer Reut

av福利社 Archipedia Thematic Essay – Slave Houses and Plantation Landscapes by Jobie Hill

av福利社 Archipedia building entries associated with the Civil Rights Movement

av福利社ARA image archive for research and teaching /publications-and-research/sahara

av福利社ARA contains over 2,500 images associated with the Civil Rights Movement (some highlights here: /about-sah/news/sah-news/news-detail/2020/06/08/sahara-highlights-civil-rights)


, Edited by Irene Cheng, Charles L. Davis II, Mabel O. Wilson. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2020.

 by Charles L. Davis II. University of Pittsburgh Press, 2019.

by Dell Upton. Yale University Press, 2015.

by Dianne Harris. University of Minnesota Press, 2012.

by Mabel O. Wilson. University of California Press, 2012.

by William A. Gleason. NYU Press, 2011.

Book Reviews

Review by Mabel O. Wilson
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (2019) 78 (1): 112–115.

Review by Charles Davis
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (2014) 73 (3): 419–421.


The Chronicle of Higher Education (June 9, 2020)

Culture Type (June 9, 2020)

NBC News (June 8, 2020)

Architectural Record (June 5, 2020)

Irene Cheng; Charles L. Davis, II; Mabel O. Wilson
Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (2017) 76 (4): 440–442.

Confederate Monuments and Civic Values in the Wake of Charlottesville
Dell Upton
av福利社 Blog (September 13, 2017)

Race, Space, and Trayvon Martin 
Dianne Harris
av福利社 Blog (July 25, 2013)


Other Resources

Culturally-specific museums created by people of color in the United State

Black-owned bookstores in the United States