Deadline extended to September 30, 2020
The Society of Architectural Historians seeks nominations and self-nominations for five members to serve on the av福利社 av福利社 Committee. av福利社 is the lifeblood of av福利社 and the support of av福利社’s members enables the organization to share publications, online academic resources, events, and career advancement opportunities with academic, design, and public communities around the world. For this committee, av福利社 seeks social influencers who are committed to the educational mission of av福利社 and who will share av福利社’s news and opportunities widely through their own networks and social media. Committee members will consult with av福利社’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accountability, and Sustainability (IDEAS) Committee and help av福利社 with outreach to new communities of people who share a passion for the history of the built environment. Committee members will serve a three-year term and are expected to:
- Help identify groups that are currently underrepresented in av福利社’s membership and make recommendations on how to reach them and serve their needs.
- Provide input on membership messaging and promotional opportunities.
- Actively promote av福利社’s programs, events and publications.
- In a spirit of inclusion, recommend ways to make new members feel welcome and to encourage their participation in av福利社.
- Provide hands-on support to the director of membership in maintaining personal contact with members on a regular basis to get feedback and ideas.
- Discuss and strategize regarding new membership categories, membership issues.
- Commit to actively participating in bimonthly video conference calls.
- Identify potential members (4–5 per month) and either reach out to personally invite them to join or provide their contact information.
- Report to the av福利社 Board as appropriate
Given that one of the main aims of av福利社 av福利社 Committee is to better serve diverse groups that are currently underrepresented in av福利社, we strongly encourage BIPOC members to apply, as well as members who are from outside the U.S., members who work outside the academy, and members who have contingent employment. Committee members will serve a three-year term and will meet by video conference every two months.
To submit a nomination or self-nomination, please complete the av福利社 av福利社 Committee nomination form in the by September 30, 2020. Please submit a two-page CV for the candidate and a nomination of up to 500 words that states how the candidate’s experience supports the responsibilities of the Committee (above). If you are submitting a nomination of another individual, please discuss the nomination with the candidate to ensure ahead of time that they are able to serve.