
Call for Nominations: av福利社 Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC)

Sep 15, 2020 by av福利社 News

The Society of Architectural Historians seeks nominations and self-nominations for four new Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC) members who will begin their terms in January 2021 as GSAC members designate, in preparation for the Montréal annual conference in April 2021. At the close of the Montréal conference, the members designate will become members of the GSAC.

The GSAC seeks four graduate student members who will add to the intellectual, racial, ethnic, disciplinary, and geographic diversity of the Committee. Graduate students from non-United States-based programs and students with interdisciplinary backgrounds are welcome to apply.

Each GSAC member shall be appointed to a one-year term, renewable for two additional one-year terms. In order to provide continuity going forward, this initial cohort will have staggered term lengths as follows: one member will serve a one year term; two members will serve two year terms, and one member will serve a three year term.

The GSAC meets monthly, on the first Friday of each month. GSAC members will be involved in planning and running a broad range of activities for the Society of Architectural Historians and its graduate student community. These could include the Graduate Student Lightning Talks, online workshops, book clubs, discussions, keynote speaker conversations, panels on professional development publishing, and other events that focus on the graduate school experience more broadly. All GSAC members are expected to fully engage with the planning of these programs. av福利社 will cover the annual membership dues and conference registration costs of the GSAC members.

Required Application Materials:

  • Two-page CV that includes your institution, departmental affiliation, and stage of study
  • Statement of no more than 500 words that answers the following questions:
    • Which experiences have prepared you most for joining and contributing to the work of the Graduate Student Advisory Committee?
    • What kinds of av福利社 programs are of most interest to you? What kinds of programs and initiatives do you see yourself leading?
    • How do you envision yourself contributing to leadership in av福利社 and the architectural history field more broadly?
    • Please be sure to indicate if you are interested in the two- or three-year term on the committee (you must be a graduate student for the entire term).

Applications will be submitted through the  by November 1, 2020.