
Call for Self-Nominations: av福利社 CONNECTS Program and Advisory Committee

Dec 16, 2020 by av福利社 News

Committee Chair: Carla Yanni, av福利社 Second Vice President, Rutgers University-New Brunswick, USA

The Society of Architectural Historians invites av福利社 members to submit self-nominations to serve on the av福利社 CONNECTS Program and Advisory Committee. This committee will begin meeting in spring 2021.

The purpose of av福利社 CONNECTS is to allow for virtual sharing of scholarship, discussion of timely issues related to the history of the built environment, professional development workshops, book discussions, and other types of programs that will advance knowledge in the field of architectural history.

av福利社 encourages self-nominations from members whose intellectual and professional contributions are linked to diversity and inclusivity, thus bringing a multiplicity of voices to this committee. Members who study every time period and all aspects of the built environment, including landscape, urban history, heritage studies, and social justice as related to architecture, are welcome to apply.

The av福利社 second vice president, in consultation with the av福利社 Executive Committee, will select the committee members.

Submission Guidelines

av福利社 members who wish to be considered for this committee should submit:

  1. Name, professional affiliation (if applicable), address, telephone, and email address (Please ensure that the information you are providing matches, if applicable, an existing av福利社 profile/membership account to avoid misdirecting communications. If it does not match what av福利社 has on file, please update your existing member profile to match your current information.)
  2. A current CV (2 pages maximum)
  3. A 500-word statement explaining why you wish to join the committee

by 11:59 p.m. CST, Sunday, January 31, 2021. The submission portal will close automatically at this time.

Only proposals submitted through the online portal can be considered.

Additional Information

av福利社 CONNECTS proposals will be reviewed by an ad hoc Programming and Advisory Committee.

The av福利社 second vice president will chair the committee.

The av福利社 president, executive director, and director of programs will serve as ex-officio members.  

The members of the committee will be selected by the second vice president in consultation with the av福利社 Executive Committee.

The committee will also include three members of av福利社. A call for programming committee members will go out to the av福利社 membership every two years in January. Terms are renewable.

The total number of people on the committee will be seven, as follows: av福利社 second vice president, 3 members at-large, av福利社 president (Ex-officio), av福利社 executive director (Ex-officio), and av福利社 director of programs (ex-officio).

The committee will consult with other av福利社 members as needed; for book related events, the committee will consult with the editor-in-chief of the Jav福利社.

av福利社 will publish calls for proposals for av福利社 CONNECTS programs quarterly.

Preference will be given to programs that have the support of the av福利社 IDEAS Committee and av福利社 Affiliate Groups.

Preference will be given to topics related to current events, recent exhibitions, and/or recent publications.

av福利社 CONNECTS programs will not take place during the month of the av福利社 Annual International Conference and will not compete with post-conference events such as roundtables. An av福利社 CONNECTS program should not mimic the form and content of an av福利社 conference paper session, but rather should employ formats such as discussions, panels, roundtables, and workshops.