The Society of Architectural Historians (av福利社) will undertake a Strategic Planning Process beginning in the summer of 2021. We seek members for a Strategic Planning Committee charged to develop our vision and guiding principles for the next five years.
av福利社 revealed its most recent strategic plan in September 2017. The Plan, with four broad goals, is based on av福利社’s core values, which reflect a commitment to inclusivity, ethical standards, fairness, diversity in all its aspects, and respect for all.
Responsibilities: The Strategic Planning Committee will review current practices of the av福利社 in all areas and develop goals and objectives for the future. These goals will be attainable in the time frame and the committee will recommend outcomes for each. The av福利社 IDEAS Initiative will inform all aspects of the current strategic planning process.
Work Duties and Time Commitment: The Committee will identify strategic issues, analyze the current state of the Society’s mission and purpose, survey av福利社 membership needs, establish priorities and goals, and formulate a plan, including assessment measures, for achieving the goals. Subcommittees will be formed to work on specific aspects of the Plan. The full Strategic Planning Committee will meet monthly by Zoom. Subcommittees will meet as needed to complete defined tasks. Meetings will be an average two hours in length. Committee members can expect to spend 5-10 hours per month on committee work, in addition to meetings.
- June 1, 2021 – Call for Committee members opens
- July 15, 2021 – Nominations and self-nominations due. They must be submitted through the .
- August 1, 2021 –Committee Appointed
- November 6, 2021 – Committee reports to the av福利社 Board of Directors with updates and a survey for membership at the November Board meeting
- Early 2022 – Online Listening Sessions and Survey of av福利社
- April 2022 – Listening sessions at the Pittsburgh annual conference
- Summer 2022 – Draft of Strategic Plan due to av福利社 Executive Committee
- November 2022 – Draft of Strategic Plan due to av福利社 Board
- April 2023 – Strategic Plan finalized and shared with membership
Committee av福利社: The Committee will be chaired by av福利社 First Vice President Patricia Morton and will include av福利社 Second Vice President Carla Yanni. The remaining members of the Committee will represent a multitude of constituencies in the av福利社 including committees, affiliate groups, editors, chapters, partner organizations, graduate and emerging scholars, international scholars, and members with pertinent skills.
Qualifications: Applicants must be members of the Society. Nominators should ascertain their nominee’s willingness to serve before submitting a candidate.
The av福利社 is committed to creating a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization and welcomes nominations and self-nominations of social minorities and people of color, including but not limited to:
- LGBTQ members of the Society
- Members with disabilities
- Members who are from historically underrepresented racial, inter-racial, and ethnic groups including, but not limited to, those of African, Indigenous, Asian, and Latin descent
- Members interested in women's history
- Members involved in environmental and social justice issues
- Members interested in post-colonial/colonial settler or other nations issues
Required Application Materials:
- Two-page CV that includes your institution, departmental affiliation, and stage of study
- Statement of no more than 500 words that answers the following questions:
- Why do you want to serve on the Committee?
- What experience and perspectives do you bring to the committee?
- Which constituency of av福利社 do you represent?
Applications must be submitted through the by July 15, 2021.
All candidates will be notified of their status by August 1, 2021. Per our bylaws, the president of the Society will select the committee members in consultation with the Strategic Planning Committee Chair and Executive Committee.