
av福利社 Director of Programs Christopher Kirbabas Receives Meeting Planning Awards

Aug 9, 2021 by User Not Found
Christopher KirbabasChristopher Kirbabas, Director of Programs for the Society of Architectural Historians, has received two events industry awards: Connect Association's 15 Over 50 and Smart Meeting's 2021 Meeting Planners of the Year. 

The 2021 Connect Association 15 Over 50 recognizes "the survivors and revivers," those association industry veterans who persevered and prospered through the challenges of COVID-19.

For the 2021 Meeting Planners of the Year, the Smart Meetings community nominated the people who "inspire, motivate and thrill them." The recipients are "the action heroes who stood out for their prescience, forward-thinking and leadership."

Christopher has been av福利社 Director of Programs since 2016. He oversees the av福利社 annual conference, virtual programs, fellowships, awards and study programs. In the following award profiles, he shares his approach to event planning, career accomplishments, and vision for the future.