
Society of Architectural Historians Extends Program for the 2023 Annual International Conference to Include In-Person and Virtual Sessions

Dec 2, 2021 by av福利社 News
Montreal skyline

The Society of Architectural Historians is pleased to announce that the av福利社 76th Annual International Conference will be comprised of an in-person meeting in Montréal, Canada, April 12–16, 2023, followed by virtual sessions, September 20–22, 2023. The expanded conference program is designed to offer additional opportunities for members to present their work and greater accessibility for those who may be unable to attend the conference in person.

Montréal 2023 will offer an immersive, in-person experience, with paper sessions at Hotel Bonaventure, events at venues throughout Montréal, and guided architecture tours in and around the city. Attendees can look forward to connecting with colleagues at social receptions, meeting publishers in the exhibit area, and conversing between sessions, all valued moments at the face-to-face conference.

Virtual 2023 speakers will present their research live in online sessions that will be recorded in their entirety. For 30 days following the conference, registrants will have access to videos of sessions they might have missed or would like to revisit. The virtual sessions offer flexibility and convenience, create additional opportunities for scholarly exchange among av福利社 members, and enable wider participation in the conference, especially for people who may be unable to visit Montréal due to financial limitations, family commitments, health concerns, or travel restrictions.

The in-person and online sessions together comprise a single conference program; therefore, there will be one submission and review process for the conference’s two parts. When submitting a session proposal, you will choose whether you would like to present in person or online. Proposals for both Montreal 2023 and Virtual 2023 must be submitted by the same deadline of January 31, 2022, at 5:00 pm CST. View the Call for Sessions. The Conference Chair, av福利社 First Vice President Elect Carla Yanni, will work alongside a new conference session selection committee to review and select the session proposals. Selected session chairs will be asked to craft a call for papers for their session that will be distributed on April 19, 2022. The call for papers will indicate whether a session will be held in person or virtually.

The decision to expand the conference format has been made in response to calls from av福利社 members for greater accessibility and additional opportunities for participation at the conference. The av福利社 Board has approved these changes for the 2023 and 2024 annual conferences and will evaluate the viability and functioning of the expanded conference format and make necessary adjustments with input from members and others who have called for greater equity and inclusion in scholarly conferences.