
Graham Foundation awards Carter Manny Awards to Dicle Taskin and Robin Hartanto Honggare

Sep 20, 2022 by av福利社 News

Two av福利社 Members, Dicle Taskin and Robin Hartano Honggare have been awarded Carter Manny Awards from the Graham Foundation for their current projects.  

Established in 1996 by the Graham Foundation, the Carter Manny Award supports the completion of outstanding doctoral dissertations on architecture and its role in the arts, culture, and society. The only predoctoral award dedicated exclusively to architectural scholarship, the Carter Manny Award recognizes emerging scholars whose work promises to challenge and reshape contemporary discourse and impact the field at large. Eligible dissertation projects must focus on architecture, though scholarly investigations may be grounded in a range of academic disciplines and fields of inquiry that align with the mission of the Graham Foundation. These include: architecture and architectural history; art and art history; design; engineering; landscape architecture; urbanism; and other related fields. (See the  of our grant programs). The award assists students enrolled in graduate programs in architecture, art history, the fine arts, humanities, and the social sciences working on architecture topics.

Each year the Graham Foundation offers two Carter Manny Awards: one Research Award for a student at the research stage of the doctoral dissertation and one Writing Award for a student at writing stage of the doctoral dissertation. The Research Award is acknowledged with up to $15,000 and the Writing Award is acknowledged with up to $20,000.

The Carter Manny Award applications are reviewed by a diverse panel of recognized scholars in the fields of inquiry represented by the award.

The Graham Foundation offers this prestigious annual award in honor of Carter H. Manny (1918–2017) and his long and distinguished service to the Graham Foundation. Manny served the Foundation since its inception in 1956, first as a trustee, then as the director from 1971, and after his retirement in 1993, as director emeritus.

Dicle Taskin, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, is the recipient of the 2022 Carter Manny Writing Award. His project is titled: The Pan-American Highway Project: Imageries, Infrastructures, and Landscapes of Hemispheric (Dis)Integration, 1923–70. Read about her project . Dicle Taskin joined av福利社 in 2020.  She was a speaker at the 2021 Virtual Conference.  

Robin Hartanto Honggare, Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, is the recipient of the 2022 Carter Manny Research Award.  The project is titled: Building Commodities: Environments of the Colonial Plantation in East Sumatra, 1869–1942. Read about the project . Robin Hartanto Honggare initially joined av福利社 in 2021.