
Obituary:  Anthony Douglas King (1931-2022)

Dec 20, 2022 by av福利社 News

Platform has published a remembrance of Anthony Douglas King by two Platform founders and av福利社 members: Swati Chattopadhyay and Zeynep Kezer.  Anthony Douglas King was notably influential in the careers of many av福利社 members, especially in the area of Colonial Architecture and Urbanism.  We have included a short portion of the remembrance below, and a link to the full article, including many photographs.

Anthony D. King, a doyen of colonial urban studies, passed away on Nov 13, 2022, in Bristol, England, at the age of 91. A sociologist-turned-architectural historian-turned-leading theorist of global urbanism, he was the author of six monographs, three edited volumes, and scores of papers. His influence went well beyond the library or the classroom. In an academic career spanning fifty years, he inspired scholars with his wide-ranging contributions to architecture, planning and urban history, and was a de facto mentor of anyone who worked on colonial architecture and urbanism. His publications, translated into German, Korean, Turkish, Arabic, and Japanese, reached audiences around the world. In the book series he edited with Tom Markus for Routledge, he nurtured the work of two generations of scholars and heartened many more to take up studies in this field (Figure 1).

See full article .

Anthony Douglas King was a member of av福利社 from 1995 through 2004.