On January 10, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) for . Two av福利社 members were among those awarded NEH grants:
Meredith Cohen
Outright: $60,000
[NEH-Mellon Fellowships for Digital Publication]
University of California, Los Angeles
Project Title: The Lady Chapel as a Model for Visualizations of Digital 3D Historical
Project Description: Research, writing, and data visualization leading to a website
exploring 3D architectural reconstructions of the Lady Chapel of Saint-German-des-Prés.
Michele Lamprakos
Outright: $60,000
University of Maryland, College Park
Project Title: Memento Mauri: The Afterlife of the Great Mosque of Cordoba
Project Description: Research and writing leading to a book on the architecture and
significance of the Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba (Córdoba, Spain), from its construction
in the eighth century CE to the present.
The National Humanities Alliance released the following statement from its Executive Director Stephen Kidd: “The National Endowment for the Humanities will support faculty across the nation in their research and writing through NEH Fellowships and Awards for Faculty. Through 16 Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge Grants, organizations will leverage federal funding to garner private investment in capital improvement projects. And grants supporting the use of emerging digital technology to further humanities research and increase access will fund projects like Jane Austen’s Desk, an interactive web platform that will immerse users in Austen’s world via her writings and personal artifacts.”
“We are immensely proud of the NEH’s impact across the U.S. and will continue advocating for increased federal support for future grants in 2023 and beyond.”
Meredith Cohen initially joined av福利社 in 1999. She received the Alice Davis Hitchcock Book Award in 2017. She was a Session chair for the 2020 Virtual Conference, and a Speaker at the 2021 Virtual Conference.
Michele Lamprakos initially joined av福利社 in 2012. She received an Honorable Mention for the 2018 Spiro Kostof Award.