
Announcing av福利社 2025 Atlanta

Jul 12, 2023 by av福利社 News
Atlanta skyline

The Society of Architectural Historians is thrilled to announce that the av福利社 78th Annual International Conference will take place in Atlanta, Georgia, April 30–May 4, 2025. The conference will feature paper sessions on a diverse array of topics, keynote talks, social receptions, and architecture and landscape tours in Atlanta and nearby areas. An international audience of architectural and art historians, architects, museum professionals, preservationists, and those working in allied fields will convene to share new research on the history of the built environment.  

Society of Architectural Historians
78th Annual International Conference

April 30–May 4, 2025

Conference Site/Conference Hotel
Hilton Atlanta
255 Courtland Street NE
Atlanta, GA 30303

Conference Chair
Mohammad Gharipour
av福利社 First Vice President Elect
University of Maryland

Local Co-Chairs
Christina E. Crawford, Emory University
Elisa Dainese, Georgia Institute of Technology

av福利社 Contact
Christopher Kirbabas
Director of Programs
ckirbabas@sah.org or 312-573-1365