
av福利社ARA Highlights: News

Dec 11, 2023 by av福利社ARA Co-Editors Jacqueline Spafford and Mark Hinchman, and Associate Editor Jeannine Keefer

The dissemination—and veracity—of news has changed dramatically in the last century, with the last decade showing the fastest change. Printed regional newspapers have become increasingly rare, and many small paper presses have closed. Radio and television news broadcasts are gradually being overtaken by podcasts and independent services, which can be delivered without the benefit of large studios. Any person or entity can now present “news” via any number of social media platforms with nothing more than a phone. This selection from av福利社ARA includes the architecture of former and current news and broadcasting outlets, with glimpses of the rapid transformation of the news sector. Thank you, as always, to our contributors.

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muti-story stone building on street corner
Joseph H. Kolbrook and Lockwood-Green Engineers, the Courier-Journal Building, Louisville, Kentucky, 1945–48. This was a typical newspaper headquarters until the last few decades. Photograph by Peter Clericuzio, 2012.

radio tower with glass windows overlooking city
Eric Bedford and G.R. Yeats (architects), British Telecom Tower (aka Post Office Tower), London, UK, 1961–64. It was the tallest structure in London until 1980. Photograph by Dell Upton, 2009.

entrance to white concrete building
Panteleimon Golosov, Pravda Editorial and Printing Building, Moscow, Russia, 1930–35. View of the entrance to the main office block. It was the largest printing establishment in Europe when it was built. Photograph by Evangelos Kotsioris, 2013.

radio tower with city skyline
Shanghai Modern Architectural Design Co., Oriental Pearl Radio and TV Tower, Shanghai, China, 1991–94. View with Jin Mao Tower to right. Photograph by Dell Upton, 2006.

white building with green roof along street
Gustav Peichl, ORF Radio Station, Innsbruck, Austria, 1969–72. Photograph by William Kessler, 1979.

entrance to modern glass building
Renzo Piano and FXFOWLE Architects, the New York Times Tower, New York, NY, 2003–07. View of 9th Avenue entrance. Photograph by Peter Clericuzio, 2013.

metal radio tower behind fence
Vladimir Shukhov, Shukhov Radio Tower (aka Shabolovka Tower), Moscow, Russia, 1920–22. Photograph by Phoebe Springstubb, 2019.

stone building facade along street
George R. Mann and Peter Hotze, Arkansas Gazette Building, Little Rock, Arkansas, 1908. View of annex, added ca. 1948. The annex was used as Bill Clinton’s 1992 political headquarters. Photograph by Dell Upton, 2014.

concrete building overlooking street
Alvar Aalto, Turun Sanomat Newspaper Heaadquarters, Turku, Finland, 1927–29. Photograph by Gerald Moorhead, 1981.

curved building with tower in background
Momen Architects, the Maspero Television and Broadcast Building, Cairo, Egypt, 1960. Photograph by Mark Hinchman, 2020.

two-story brick building
Unknown architect, the Perry County Herald offices, Marion, Alabama, late 19th century. Photograph by Dell Upton, 2020.