The av福利社 Nominating Committee seeks your nominations and self-nominations for the position of Secretary who will begin their term at the conclusion of the av福利社 2024 Annual International Conference in Albuquerque (April 17–21). The Secretary serves a one-year term, renewable to a maximum of six consecutive one-year terms.
As one of four officers with full voting rights on the Executive Committee and the Board, this position is among the most important in av福利社; the other officers on the Executive Committee are the President, First President, and Treasurer. In close collaboration with the av福利社 Board and staff, the Executive Committee governs the Society, proposes policies and programs, and provides service to the membership. Serving in these capacities offers an opportunity to shape the future of the Society and the profession. This position does not require specialized knowledge, skills or experience; however, it does require a willingness to serve av福利社 at a high level. The position is supported by av福利社 staff.
The Secretary has full voting rights on the av福利社 Executive Committee and Board and will: (i) attend and record attendance and minutes of all meetings of the members, the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee of the Society, and promptly after the completion of each such meeting will prepare and distribute copies of such minutes as directed; (ii) have general charge and responsibility for all of the Society’s books and records; and (iii) assure that all notices of meetings of the members, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee of the Society are duly given by the Society in accordance with the bylaws, among other duties. (See page 24 of the av福利社 Bylaws.)
Creating Greater Equity and Accountability at av福利社
av福利社 is actively working towards creating a more equitable organizational structure, one that is inclusive and whose leadership represents the wide range of perspectives in the field of architectural history at large. To that end, av福利社 welcomes the nominations and self-nominations of candidates who will add racial and ethnic diversity to the av福利社 Board; those who are working outside the tenure track, including contingent faculty; and those who are working outside the academy. Nominees should represent the diversity of the field of architectural history and contribute to a more inclusive discipline.
Governing Structure of av福利社
av福利社 is governed by two main boards of oversight: an Executive Committee and a Board of Directors. The Executive Committee is composed of four elected Officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, and one appointed Officer, the Executive Director of av福利社. Serving in tandem with the Executive Committee is a Board of Directors that is constituted by a body of 15 voting members and a shifting number of non-voting Ex-Officio members who represent av福利社’s publications, committees, chapters and Affiliate Groups. All voting members of the governing body are selected from a pool of nominated and self-nominated candidates that are reviewed by an av福利社 Nominating Committee appointed by the av福利社 President. The Nominating Committee deliberates about the current expertise needed on the av福利社 Board and prepares a list of finalists to be formally voted into office by the av福利社 membership at large at the Annual Business Meeting in April. Nomination and selection to serve on either the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors is a formal acknowledgement of several potential factors, including one’s contributions to scholarship within the field, one’s long-term service to the organization, or one’s potential to diversify the future impact and oversight of the organization.
How to Apply
To submit a nomination or self-nomination, please complete the nomination form in the av福利社 Online Portal. Nominations will be confidentially compiled in the av福利社 office and forwarded directly to the Chair of the Nominating Committee. The nomination form requests the following information: name and email address of the nominator; the name, affiliation (if applicable), email address and phone number for the nominee; nominee qualifications; explanation of why the nominee should be considered for the Executive Committee; confirmation that nominator has reached out to the nominee to ask if they will serve; and the candidate's statement of intent (no more than 500 words and please see criteria below.) Also attach the nominee’s CV.
The nomination form requests the following information:
- name and email address of the nominator
- name, affiliation (if applicable), email address and phone number of the nominee
- nominee's qualifications
- explanation of why the nominee should be considered for the Executive Committee and what they would contribute if elected to the Board
- confirmation that nominator has reached out to the nominee to ask if they will serve
- nominee's statement of interest (no more than 500 words; please see criteria below)
- nominee’s CV
Nominations will be considered on the following criteria and the candidate’s statement should address them:
- Achievements in scholarship, teaching, leadership, or other professional work relative to the candidate’s career stage and circumstances.
- Potential to diversify the board with expertise, perspectives, and professional connections that would complement those of current members.
- Capacity and desire to support the mission of av福利社 with regards to participation, recruitment, funding, and serving as an ambassador of the organization.
The deadline for submitting nominations is Monday, March 11, 2024, at 11:59 pm CST.