av福利社 strives to keep membership dues as low as possible, scrutinizing all possible cost savings without negatively impacting member services. However, av福利社’s comprehensive slate of offerings, including expanded conference opportunities, increased number of affiliate groups, and growing access to online academic resources have real costs associated with them.
At its summer meeting on August 9, 2024, the av福利社 Board approved a modest 3% dues increase for av福利社 Individual memberships effective October 1, 2024, coinciding with the start of av福利社’s fiscal year. An individual digital membership will increase from $158 to $163. This small increase will keep av福利社 strong and allow us to retain the level of service you expect.
Have you explored all of your member benefits? As a member, you can:
- Access every issue of Jav福利社 published since its inception in 1941,
- Present your work to a global network of colleagues at av福利社's Annual International and Virtual Conferences,
- Collaborate on projects or organize programs within one of a dozen topical Affiliate Groups,
- Apply for fellowships, grants, and awards totaling more than $150,000 each year,
- Explore more than 200,000 images of the built environment in the av福利社ARA image archive, and
- Support the development of the largest online encyclopedia of American architecture, av福利社 Archipedia.
Renew online on or before September 30th to receive current membership rates. As always, your av福利社 membership is active one year from payment or will extend your current membership 12 months.
We appreciate your membership and highly value your investment in av福利社. You enable us to fulfill our mission to advance the study, interpretation, and conservation of architecture, design, landscapes, and urbanism worldwide for the benefit of all. If you think a colleague, talented student, or friend might be interested in all that av福利社 has to offer, please send us their name and email and we'll reach out to them. The more members we have, the stronger av福利社 will be, and we can continue to keep dues as affordable as possible.