
Call for Papers - 23rd International Conference Arquitectonics: Mind, Land and Society


Barcelona , Spain School of Architecture (ETSAB), Technical University of Catalonia (UPC)


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The objective of the ARQUITECTONICS network is to facilitate the interrelation between professors, researchers, master's and doctoral students, who study the relationships between Mind, Land and Society in the field of architecture and urban planning.

Conference Theme:  The Future of Arts Teaching in a Digitalized Environment: Art, Design, and Architecture. 

The global situation is driving many changes in the teaching of art that affect many  professions. Consequently, the relationships between the areas of teaching the arts, teaching design and teaching architecture have entered into an accelerated  process of review. , because of three challenges common to the three areas: the challenge of climate change, the challenge of coexistence between diverse  historical or cultural identities and the necessary critical dialogue between brains and machines. 

These new relationships between areas of art teaching no longer allow them to be  considered as closed boxes totally independent of each other, neither from a pedagogical, historical, nor cultural point of view. It is clear that it is the same brain  that is able to learn art, design and architecture, it is the same history of the material culture that should interrelate art, design and architecture and, finally  they are the same buildings and cities that should supot simultaneously a feelings and human thinking. 

And this must not only be done because of the common front in the face of possible dangers generated by the advances of artificial intelligence, but for much  more fundamental human and educational reasons, such as the necessary critical

unity between art, science and politics in the future of The humanity. Without this critical unity, survival in the face of the three aforementioned challenges will not  be possible. Since its founding, now almost fifty years ago, the GIRAS-UPC research group has always defended this need for critical dialogue. 


Online and in-person, 15-minute presentations will be scheduled according to program  and track sessions, included in the full call linked above. Abstracts and papers will be uploaded in Open Access, website www.arquitectonics.com and a selection of full papers will be published in the  newsletter journal Arquitectonics: Mind, Land & Society.

Abstracts restricted to 250-500 words.
1. The title cannot exceed 65 characters (with spaces).

2. Two abstracts per conference by author or co-author may be submitted. 

Abstracts should be submitted to: newsletter.pa@upc.edu


Abstract Submission – March 31st, 2025
Notification of Acceptance – April 15th, 2025
Final Full Paper Submission In Word Deadline – October 31st, 2025 (Limited to 10 pages

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