Program Date: February 20, 2024
Chat Transcript
Q&A Transcript
“Indigenous architecture,” as defined by the av福利社 Indigenous Architecture Affiliate Group, is architecture designed by or for Indigenous people. This definition encompasses traditional forms of Indigenous architecture (pre-colonial to present),
colonial architecture affiliated or concerned with Indigenous communities (such as BIA boarding schools or HUD housing), and recent Indigenous architecture (designed in collaboration with Indigenous communities and/or designed by Indigenous architects).
Indigenous architecture is underrepresented in architectural discourse and education. Few architectural historians, let alone Indigenous architectural historians, have conducted research on the topic. Architectural education in North America is traditionally
based upon European models and has rarely included Indigenous architecture. Until recently, few North American academic institutions have offered courses pertaining to the history, theory, or design of Indigenous architecture. Faculty wishing to include
Indigenous architecture in architectural history surveys find that even the most recent and comprehensive global textbooks on architectural history include very little about the topic.
The aim of the av福利社 Indigenous Architecture Affiliate Group is to build a community of scholars whose work focuses on Indigenous architecture and who together have the capacity to increase publications on the topic. “Introducing Indigenous Architecture”
is the group’s inaugural public event, providing an opportunity for founding members, including an Elders’ Council of five leading design practitioners and scholars, to introduce themselves and invite others to join and participate
in their activities. After presentations of their work, panelists discuss how to expand the scope of current architectural history books (and current curricula and teaching in North America) to incorporate Indigenous architectural history.
Following questions and comments from the audience, the session concludes with a discussion of the group’s upcoming activities and information on how to get involved.