
Preserving important structures, landscapes and other aspects of the built environment is a key tenet of the Society of Architectural Historians' mission. The av福利社 Heritage Conservation Committee meets monthly and coordinates av福利社’s preservation advocacy, evaluating emerging preservation issues and selecting those on which the committee decides to comment. As a matter of policy, the Society only becomes involved in preservation issues of national or international significance. Preservation issues of local significance should be directed to your State Historic Preservation Office or to local preservation organizations. 

Recent Activities

  • Preservation Advocacy

Letter of Support for the Retention and Preservation of Kresge College at UCSC

January 23, 2017
  • Preservation Advocacy

Letter in Support of the Retention and Preservation of the Charles Moore Additions to the Hood Museum at Dartmouth College

June 13, 2016
  • Preservation Advocacy

Letter in Support for the Retention of the Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit

March 14, 2016
  • Preservation Advocacy

Letter Supporting the Preservation of the Administration Building of the Great Shrine of Izumo

March 9, 2016
  • Preservation Advocacy

Letter in support of the designation of the Kaufmann Conference Rooms, Lecture Hall, and Elevator Lobby, 809 United Nations Plaza, Manhattan

November 12, 2015
  • Preservation Advocacy

Letter to Secretary of State John F. Kerry on the Cultural Impacts of Earthquake Damage in Nepal

July 9, 2015